Registration Event Home Travel Register for the 2024 TSUSG Annual Meeting Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Job title(Required)Affiliation/Company Name(Required)Work location city and state(Required)Contact number during the event(Required)Are you a registered member of TSUSG?(Required) Yes No Please specify food allergies or dietary needs.Are you interested in participating in a half-day optional tour on Thursday, August 29th? Details are being finalized, so we're looking for a head count of who can participate.(Required) Yes No Would you like to be added to the wait list to join the half-day tour of either the Rainbow or Peace Bridge on Thursday, August 29th? Yes No This behind-the-scenes tour looks at the border crossing between the United States and Canada.Do you agree to have your name and email shared with other attendees after the meeting?(Required) Yes No Do you consent to the use of your photographs?(Required) I agree I do not agree By checking the “I agree” box, I understand that photographs may be taken at this event and I agree that those on which I appear may be used for the benefit of official communication and TSUSG outreach efforts.Comments – anything you would like the organizers to know?