New PC: Develop a proposed national SOP for state-by-state escorting
Description: Shipments of Category 1 and Category 2 radioactive source shipments require stringent transportation security protocols. These protocols can include the use of escorts, however, there is no uniform escorting requirements between states which pose challenges for shippers and carriers. The proposed national SOP for escorting will build upon the work of PC5 Operational procedures and differences in escorting processes to create a comprehensive document.
This new PC needs a chair and volunteers. Please submit your intent to volunteer to the TSUSG admin team:
New PC: Review state-by-state inconsistencies regarding process and requirements
Description: When reviewing state-by-state inconsistencies for Category 1 and Category 2 radioactive source shipments, it is crucial to understand the regulatory frameworks, licensing requirements, and enforcement mechanisms can vary across the US. These variations can create challenges for shippers. The goal would be to identify inconsistencies and develop recommendations to address the inconsistencies.
This new PC needs a chair and volunteers. Please submit your intent to volunteer to the TSUSG admin team: