Thank you for a successful TSUSG 2024 annual meeting!

We wrapped up the TSUSG 2024 annual meeting last week in Buffalo, and it was beyond successful! Thank you to our presenters who shared insight on industry challenges, legislative and oversight knowledge, and first-hand accounts of emergency response and investigations that provided lessons learned for future transportation security situations. We’re grateful to all the members… Continue reading Thank you for a successful TSUSG 2024 annual meeting!

National Transportation Stakeholders Forum Webinar March 28, 1PM CST

The National Transportation Stakeholders Forum (NTSF) Planning Committee is pleased to present the following NTSF webinar: Civil Support Teams (CST)/ Radiological Assistance Program (RAP)Thursday, March 28, 2023 1 PM Central Time Register Now to Reserve Your Seat In the event of a radioactive materials transportation incident or accident, many assets are available to help assist with… Continue reading National Transportation Stakeholders Forum Webinar March 28, 1PM CST

Now recruiting for PC 10 – AI

New TSUSG Priority Committee to secure AI in transportation securityMission: Investigate how the rapid evolution of AI impacts transportation security Challenge: AI is already changing protection measures for high-risk and high-security cargo or material. Adversaries are evolving and leveraging advanced tactics to gain access to radioactive material. The TSUSG is in a position to leverage… Continue reading Now recruiting for PC 10 – AI

IAEA NUCLEUS training courses

Access the IAEA’s NUCLEUS training courses on nuclear safety, technology and applications, and safeguards. The IAEA’s NUCLEUS information resource portal provides access to over 100 scientific, technical and regulatory resources, including databases, applications, publications and training material. As it is mainly meant for IAEA counterparts in the government, industry and scientific community, NUCLEUS hosts a number of resources… Continue reading IAEA NUCLEUS training courses

CISA Webinar on 10/25

Ready & Resilient: Cyber Incident Response Strategies for Emergency Communications Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 1:00 PM ET, Virtual/Online Delivery: Live Format: Webinar Event type: Seminar Visit the CISA event website to sign up and join the webinar.